Sunday, January 22, 2006

HERE IS the second edition of "As I Live and Breathe", my speech from a 2/2000 event at UCF promoting organ and tissue donation awareness called "Get Carded."

My first two years at UCF were extraordinary and provided me with a comfortable denial of my disease. I was barely sick, I was living a normal life. I was living on my own, participating in Greek life, student government, student activities, and oritentation. My crowning achievement was was that I was honored as UCF Homecoming Queen 1997. If it could be done at UCF- I did it. I was working, going to school, and volunteering full-time on top of all the doctor's appointments and treatments. Yes, I was famous for burning hte candle at both ends but I was achieving my goals. I felt on top of the world.

The summer after my sophomore year I went home for a short break. It was then that the rug was pulled out from under me. My lung functioning had rapidly diminshed. In an eye blink, I was functioning at less than 30% of what they were supposed to be. I had lost a considerable amount of weight even though I had a feeding tube placed in my stomach. I finally began to accept that I was having trouble climbing stairs and walking to the car. I couldn't even SHOP without stopping for rest. I saw a stranger in the mirror. A pale, gaunt shadow of the physical shape I used to be. I felt my characteristic buoyancy and resilience begin to fade. I was in pain physically and emotionally from the constant coughing, sleepless nights and the unknown.

Tune in tomorrow for another edition and the events of the day. I am off to eat some Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter reminiscent of my friend Mandy.

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