Thursday, March 08, 2007

Happy March! Unfortunately, it hasn't been so great. First, on the first, Kevin's dad passed away. Although he was ill and infirm , it was still unexpected. Heather's birthday was on Sunday the fourth, but we weren't sure, even though invitation were out, the cake was ordered and everything was ready to go. Kevin wasn't sure whether or not to have it. His mother is now living with him since Kevin's father had to be put in a nursing home and really couldn't manage on her own. She said that her husband would've wanted Heather to have her party so the Dora Show went on. Kevin's birthday was the next day. I took him to Isaac's, like he took me for my birthday. Then we went to get his present: sneakers, his choice I might add. The visitation service was at Cartmell (which I love because of the free mints), but I had to present a class project and I couldn't let my team down. A huge percentage of my grade depended on this presentation. Kevin was peeved but I know he wanted me to be there. That night at class, I was freezing but I got through the class. When I got home I immediately took my temperature, it was 101.9. So I scoured my house for some tylenol, no luck. I couldn't really sleep and developed cough. I told Kevin that I didn't think that I could go to the funeral since it was going to outside and 10 degrees. He told me I was essentially a bad girlfriend. I tried to explain that I was probably was going to end up in the hospital. I think I made a rude remark like why would I go to a funeral that could lead me to death? Terrible of me, but he doesn't often get it. Needless to say, I didn't go. My mother brought some tylenol, which helped a bit, but I went to Jordan Hospital for a chest x-ray. When I saw the film, it looked like pneumonia. Whe the doctor's got the report they shipped me to the clink. I have a bit of a sinus infection and I can't hear very well either.
Luckily, the patient and family services department provides wireless internet access- psych! I am not cut off from the word and needing to use the phone.

Vital sign time.
More later...

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