Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It happened again. I write all about my colonoscopy and the dial up connection dies before the blog posts. SO I'll try this again... It started at 11:30pm last night when the hospital pharmacy finally delivered the Go Lytely preparation I was to drink, A whole gallon of the shit. I was chugging away- at a pretty good pace, hey I did learn something in college, but by 4am I was exhausted. At 5am the nurse woke me up to clean me out from the other end via Fleet method. I was miserable and nervous. I got no sleep. I went to the endoscopy suite at about 10am, missed breakfast of course. They tried to dope me up but I require a lot of drugs so the effects were minimal and I still felt hose probing my ars. They only good thing was that I could see my innards on the tv monitor. They didn't find anything unsual, which I guess I was kind of looking forward to- they did take several pinch biopsies. I was full of air and continued to expel it the rest of the afternoon.
My mom brought Detroit for a visit this evening, which boosted my spirits. As did the care package/pyjamagram I got from the Rushforths. It was very thoughtful. Sun designed and Duckdesigned pjs- much better than flowers and practical for a hospital girl like myself. I am hoping to get home soon. I have dialysis tomorrow I believe. I cheated and had a hot dog from the cafeteria tonight. Hot dogs are not on the approved diet list due to the amount of phospherous. I took some extra pills to try to balance the slip up. I have been drinking Diet Mountain Dew again, which is better than Diet Coke since dark soda poses a phospherous problem too. I need a manicure and a new pair of shoes. Most of all I need a good night's sleep. Mymuscles are stiff and crampy, usually a sign of kidney malfunction, so I asked for some pain meds. They really didn't do much for me. I took a walk around the hospital floor. If you walk around in a circle 24 times, it equals a mile. It is critical for rehab for transplant patients, I basically just do it to prevent pneumonia and to avoid blood clots which can grow from laying in bed too much. More tomorrow...

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