Monday, February 27, 2006

Let's see...I had an appointment with Dr. Kidney on Friday. I have been officially warned to CUT THE CARBS! I figured I would be in trouble when I tested my blood sugar just before I had the full panel of labs drawn and it came up with 538(!) as a result. I took some quick insulin, which brought it to 438: the result the doctor received. Then the lab paged her EMERGENCY three times- get the picture? So she told me to reduce the carbs significantly for lent, despite my argument that I am not exactly a practicing Catholic, she protested that it doesn't matter, give the shit up. So Wednesday begins my rice concentrated diet. I disputed that I have to eat something that is easily digestible. You see, with the CF, I have a huge problem with Fat and the heaviness of Protein. Carbs, my friend, work for me. SO if anyone has a CF- Diabetic friendly meal, please do post a comment. I think I would rather have high blood sugar and take more insulin over diarrhea any day of the week, yeah?
Enough of that... School is wrapping up for the semester, and I have a project and a presentation and a final- oh my! I can handle it- I just have to get my priorities straight and my ass is gear. I have also joined the gym so it will be in gear for the Spring. I am hoping to adopt healthy habits in general. I mean, I live a pretty clean life, but there is always room for improvement. I think I owe that to the men in my life: Bobby and Brett. In fact, in a little over a month, I will be celebrating 7 years with Uncle Bob's lungs. April is also Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Month and I have a grassroots style project in mind - so you will be hearing from me.

I was happy to see my friend Rebecca T. after my appointment on Friday. She's my smart friend, preparing her dissertation- you rock!

By the way- Glamour is having its 4th annual real life story contest- this year I WILL ENTER! The winner gets published and $5000. A little pocket change, eh?

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