Wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since I had blogged, nor did I realize that people were actually reading it on a regular basis- great. This week has been uneventful, just trying to cope with the stomach and sadness as it is evident that I won't be able to make it to UCF Homecoming in Orlando as I had intended. Dialysis require upfront $ for the 20% that Medicare doesn't cover upfront, I have to get a fistula, venous access surgery, for dialysis during this time period, and its flu season: a plane during flu season is not the best place to be for someone so immunocompromised such as myself. BUT my main reason, no pun intended, is my butt, and my fear, which is completely rational in my humble opinion, that I'm going to relapse and prolapse and have a colon emergency or embarassing situation. I stopped taking the vancomycin and probiotic therapy for the colon infection and things have actually been a thousand times better. It was either that or my mom's magic pancakes that she made me on Sunday that created such improvement. I blew off some steam on Friday with a trip to Old Navy, I needed some shirts that weren't stained by my shakiness or dialysis. I don't want to look like a scum bag, even if its just me that sees my image in the mirror. What is it about shopping that always makes me feel better? I had saved some money,but since I am not going... I haven't talked to my friend Jenn, who is likely in Boston spending time with her much ailing Father, please keep him in your prayers beside me. Today, Carrie and I went out to dinner at Bugaboo Creek Steak House- I left my Coach Signature Crusher hat there like a dumb ass so I'll have to get it tomorrow. I have been on a Diet Mountain Dew Kick since Diet Coke has too much phospherous in it and my labs get thrown off. It gave me the energy today to get what to me seems like a lot accomplished. I can't tell you the last time I was brave enough to actually eat in a restaurant- take out- yes, so that I could be close to my own toilet, if you know what I mean. So I borrowed some of Hooker's ativan last night to help with sleep. It's amazing what a good night sleep will do for you. I'll have to see the doctor to reevaluate my sleep aids to get back in a normal swing of things- three hours at dialysis just isn't enough. Even that has been restricted since the old man they called Herbie has been praying very loudly the ENTIRE time I am there. I was going to ask (politely) if one of the nurses could ask him to pray to himself, but just when I was about to- the power went OUT! This was before the Nor'easter, so there was no weather related reason that caused the outage. I decided that it was God's way of telling me to stop being such a jerk and give this guy some peace. I guess I'll just have to start bringing headphones. I guess I could use a little prayer myself. But tonight I'll be thinking of my Friends in South Florida, who are suffering, again, from a hurricane.