Friday, January 06, 2006

Today, Friday, I had a clinic appointment. There was some concern because my iron was low as were the measures of my red blood cells. That stinks and could indicate the need for a transfusion. SO when I went to BWH this day I brought a bag and my computer with me, just in case they decided to keep me. I guess I was mentally prepared. However, things were better tahn I expected which is always a pleasant surprise. My kidney is working great: 0.9 on my normal creatinine range of 0.5 to 1.4. I also got weighed at the clinic- I almost fell over (luckily the scale has side rails) when it read 117. I haven't been this weight since before my lungs. The swollenness has subsided and I have ankles again. The only swelling I have is what is left around the healing suture and that will become less distended with time and as the transplanted kidney normalizes to my body. I have been trying to ween myself off the pain junk, even though it still feels like someone punched me in the gut. Just like my doc promised, I think by the three month mark I will be ready to go. She has already cut my visits back. That makes me happy...if anyone would like to invent a happy kidney song- please post it in the comments section.

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