Friday, September 30, 2005

Well, as I should know by now, after so many years, delaying the inevitable does nothing but waste time. I tried to cancel my doctor's appointments on Wednesday because after dialysis I was ladenwith cramps and a still unstable gut. I cancelled them, but my mother, upon discovering my machinations, through me in her RAV4 and carted me up to the Brig. My new name for it much like an army jail. Then I got to drink the contrast again to see if there was anything different in my abdominal CT scan- guess what- there's nothing in there with the took the exception of some radioactive organs. For those not familiar with this test, you have to drink a pint of barium over a half hour. It is a thick, creamy substance, much like I stated in an earlier post, could be likened to pina coladas, after you've had about fifteen of them. But then you have to wait a hour, or longer depending on the schedule of the CT department which operates around the clock. I started drinking the shit at 10pm and wasn't called for the test until 2am. In the meantime though, I experienced a severe low blood sugar registering 34. I was severely symptomatic with sweats, dizziness, shakes- like I was experiencing a drug withdrawl. When I rang for my nurse, he thought perhaps my sweats were due to the room temperature-it was 78, so he put it down to 74. Upon my insistance, however, he checked my level. YIKES!
I have been a professional patient for most of my life and like anyone with a chronic illness, I know my body and its chnages best. Don't doubt me. I had to have to have several doses of IV dextrose throughout the night because I continues to bottom out with my sugar. They then began to test me every two hours. This isn't very good for sleep-so I ended up sleeping all day. My mom came to visit after work. I feel bad for her and my dog, who are both stressed and frustrated whenI am in the hospital and over an hour away in traffic. Carrie is busy with work and getting ready for a trip to a conference. She hasn't called. I guess maybe I should call instead of expecting the world to revolve around me. I am thinking that maybe school is going to be out yet another semester. I really need school or something to keep me going. The tech just tested my blood sugar and it was 501- quite the opposite of last night- will it ever end? Hoping your day is well...more later

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