Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'd rate today as an 8, again, getting back up there. I had my real estae class and learned so much. My hand was totally cramped by the end of the day so tomorrow I am bringing my lap top. Carrie and I ate dinner at e the East Bay Grille, I splurged a bit, but I figured I deserved a nice dinner out. My stomach was cooperative today and I slept well. I got a new blanket set for the fall, even though it is still July. I love back to school time. I have to check up on my Fall Northeastern registration. The class, although short and over on the 27th, made me feel alive and social again. I jsut wrote part of the skit for my presentation on Monday. I think I got a lot of the concepts, but of course, the group has the final say. Yolande and Cynthia brought Mandy home for wedding preparations. Mandy, intypical Mandy fashion, took her $5000 WEDDING DRESSED ROLLED IT UP AND WRAPPED IT IN DUCT TAPE TO PACK IN THE PLANE. Mandy is always good for a stroy like this, she would be the same if she didn't pull a stunt like this. She really seemed to appreciate the scrap book I made her. It was from the heart, she knows it. She is my SPECIAL PERSON OF THE DAY. One of the bestest friends I have. I have some more studying to do before class tomorrow. Keep your chattel to yourself~! I'll explain later.

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